CGA Academy Launches AML Training
The Canadian Gaming Association is launching an anti-money laundering (AML) training course recognizing the importance of AML to the gaming industry.
AML is an ongoing focus for the Canadian gaming industry and the CGA. Now, through a partnership with the iGaming Academy (IGA), the CGA has launched a newly-created eLearning AML course specifically designed for gaming organizations through the CGA Academy.
The Anti-Money Laundering & Anti-Terrorist Financing course addresses both land-based and online gaming practices and includes the recently released regulatory updates from FINTRAC that will take effect on June 30, 2021.
The step-by-step training provides industry professionals of all levels with a straightforward system to navigate the complexities of Canadian regional compliance. Staff are guided through case studies, practical exercises, and scenarios to help them recognize AML indicators and suspicious factors and learn the reporting and record keeping obligations.
Like all IGA courses, this Anti-Money Laundering & Anti-Terrorist Financing curriculum will be reviewed multiple times per year and updated on an ongoing basis.
If you are interested in this course offered by the CGA Academy, or would like to arrange a consultation with iGaming Academy, or learn more about our North American portfolio or other specialist training, contact the CGA today.