AGLC gives UFC betting green light following integrity investigation
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission (AGLC) has confirmed it will once again allow betting on UFC fights on its PlayAlberta platform following an investigation into the integrity of the sport.
As reported by ESPN, the provincial lottery corporation is reinstating betting on UFC after the recent revelation that James Krause, the coach at the center of the integrity scandal at the fighting organization, was banned from taking part in events.
“With the recent announcement by the UFC that Krause, his managers and fighters will not be permitted to participate in UFC events, pending Nevada State Athletic Commission’s investigation, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) has reinstated UFC betting markets on PlayAlberta.ca,” an AGLC spokesperson told ESPN.
“Protecting consumers in Alberta is of the utmost importance to AGLC. We will remain vigilant in monitoring the situation and ensure players continue to have safe and secure gaming opportunities on Play Alberta.”
It comes after several Canadian provincial organizations banned betting on UFC following suspicious betting activity on the fight between Darrick Minner and Shayilan Nuerdanbiek.
Concerns were raised last month over the bout between Minner and Nuerdanbiek, with the UFC confirming that Don Best Sports, its integrity partner, was looking into the matter.
Suspicious betting patterns on the fight were identified, leading many sportsbooks to raise concerns with US Integrity.
Subsequently, several lines of inquiry were opened into the fight, which Nuerdanbiek won in a one-minute TKO stoppage.
Reportedly, betting insiders caught wind of a knee injury sustained by Minner in the hours leading up to the fight, which caused significant wagering activity in Nuerdanbiek’s favor.
Responding to the controversy at the UFC’s post-fight press conference over the weekend, President Dana White asserted that he had no worries over the betting integrity controversy.
He told reporters: “I’m not worried about it at all. People ask me ‘What is the UFC going to do?’ We’re letting these guys know not to bet on fights.
“Do you know what the outcome of this is? If I penalize them, they get cut. But they’re going to go to federal f***ing prison. Federal f***ing prison.