OLG releases RPFQ in search for Windsor casino operator
Caesars Windsor is currently operated by Caesars Entertainment
The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) has begun its process to identify a ‘highly qualified’ operator for its Windsor casino by releasing a Request for Pre-Qualification (RPFQ).
An RPFQ is the first stage in a competitive procurement process where the qualifications of a bidder – as required by the Municipality – are assessed to determine whether they are at a level that enables them to proceed further.
Owned by the Government of Ontario – through OLG – the casino in Windsor is currently operated by Caesars Entertainment and is known as ‘Caesars Windsor’.
“OLG is advancing plans that will support the long-term vibrancy and excitement of the casino experience in Ontario,” said Duncan Hannay, OLG President and CEO.
“Releasing the RFPQ for the Windsor casino is the first step in selecting a highly qualified service provider that will ensure the long-term competitiveness of the site while continuing to generate economic benefits for the local community and for Ontario.”
OLG entered into an agreement to extend its existing contract with Caesars by one year last August, extending the partnership to August 2025.
The crown corporation also included the option to further extend the term for a minimum of six months and up to a maximum of 12 months, ending no later than August 2026.
Caesars can still choose to participate in the RPFQ process, which closes May 25.
The process will enable the crown corporation to prequalify potential proponents based on their previous experience operating a large gaming resort.
Those that prequalify will proceed to the Request for Proposal (RFP) phase of the procurement, where providers will receive documents that outline the opportunity in Windsor and the information required to submit a detailed proposal.
OLG will continue to conduct and manage gaming in Windsor while the winning proponent handles the day-to-day gaming operations of the casino.